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Quantitative Measurement of Volatile Organic Compounds in a Household Plant Sample

[ISBN 0-9621181-7-6]

$8.95 (US)


(24 Pages of Text + 8 Exhibits)

An elderly female patient complaining of eye irritation and swelling, skin irritation, cardiovascular irregularities and neuralgia, provided plant material for analysis which was taken from an indoor plant located in her immediate household environment. A series of potentially toxic volatile organic compounds identified by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (EPA Method 8260) were extracted from the plant specimen. The volatile compounds identified include Methyl Acetate, Allyl Alcohol and 2-Methyl-Propenal, and their concentrations in the plant material are estimated.


I. Summary of Findings
A. Tentatively Identified Compounds
B. Analytical Results For Target Analytes
II. Analytical Methods and Results
A. EPA Method 8260
B. Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry Protocol
1. Preparation of Plant Sample For GCMS
2. Quality Control Samples
3. Calibration Standards
4. Continuing Calibration Verification
C. Analytical Results
D. Semi-Quantitation of Amounts of Tentatively Identified Chemical Compounds In Minor Peaks Of Houseplant Gas Chromatograph

$8.95 (US)


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